Wednesday 3 January 2018

Difference Between SSI and SSDI

The primary difference between the social security disability (SSD) benefits and supplemental security income (SSI) is that SSI disability benefits are meant for those who are having low-income and have never worked or earned any work credits in order to qualify for SSD. But, in SSD the individuals have to gain enough number of work credits in order to qualify. 

People usually don’t differentiate between the two, and in general language they call these benefits Social Security Income benefits. But, in real these two have different procedures and programs for the applicants. SSA manages these two benefits manner and carry them out separately. 

About SSI:

SSI or Supplemental Security Income is a procedure which is stringently based on the need of the applicants, like as per the income and the assets and this income isn’t funded by the Social Security trust fund, but by the general fund taxes. The disabled people who are eligible for SSI receive medical help in the state they are living. Food help is also given to them through food stamps, the amount is dependent on their location and the amount of income they receive on the monthly basis. SSI starts from the very first month in which the application has been submitted. 

About SSDI: 

These benefits are funded through the payroll taxes. The recipients of these benefits are usually considered insured, as they have worked for a certain period of time and have made contributions to the Social Security trust. The candidate for SSDI needs to be younger than the age of 65 years and must have earned some work credits. If a person has received the SSDI benefits for about more than two years, then he/she becomes eligible for the Medicare. These benefits aren’t for children or teens and only adults above 18 years of age are eligible. Five month waiting period is there, thus the SSA won’t pay anything for the initial five months. 
If you too want to apply for Social Security Income benefits, then you can avail some help from legal services expert. To find the best ones, you can check online for a service that can help you in getting Social Security Income benefits.